Group highlights¹

Gross written premiums


Excellent Life net cash inflows, at € 11.4 billion (+5.2%)
Life technical reserves posted an increase of 2.2% Gross written premiums increased by 4.9% thanks to the positive performance of both segments

Group operating result


Operating result up 3% thanks to the contribution of all Group segments
Operating RoE 2015-2018 at 13.4%, confirming the achievement of the strategic target (>13%)

Group result of the period


Result of the period up 9.4%, reflecting, in addition to the growth of operating result, also the positive contribution of divestments

Regulatory Solvency Ratio


Solid Group capital position confirmed with Solvency Ratio of 216%


1 Changes in Life net cash inflows and premiums are on equivalent terms, i.e. at equivalent exchange rates and consolidation scope pursuant to IFRS 5. Changes in Operating result, Asset Under Management and Operating RoE consider, in accordance with IFRS 5, 2017 comparative data restated following the divestment of Belgian, German and Guernsey businesses. Investments in these assets were not excluded from consolidation in the financial statements disclosure at 31 December 2018, but were classified as assets held for sale, whose total assets and liabilities, as well as the result net of tax effects, were posted separately in the specific items of the financial statements. The comparative data was also restated following the disposal of the Dutch and Irish operations completed in February and June 2018, respectively. Please refer to the paragraph Changes in the presentation of the performance indicators of the Group in the Note to the Management Report for further information.