Share performance

Share performance

Share performance

KPIs per share

EPS 1.48 1.35
Operating earnings per share 1.64 1.67
DPS 0.90 0.85
Payout ratio 61.2% 63.0%
Total dividend (in € million) 1,413 1,330
Share price 14.60 15.20
Minimum share price 13.75 13.52
Maximum share price 17.06 16.02
Average share price 15.07 14.91
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding 1,563,742,903 1,560,771,499
Market capitalization (in € milion) 22,851 23,739
Average daily number of traded shares 5,778,912 7,179,293
Total shareholders' return (*) 1.39% 13.54%

(*) It is the ratio of the total dividend plus the share price variation during the reference period to the share price at the beginning of the year.