Other information on the Life segment

Life segment operating result and non operating result

(€ million)31/12/201831/12/2017Change
Life segment operating result 3,067 2,982 2.8%
Net premiums 43,807 41,627 5.2%
Net insurance benefits and claims -39,264 -48,138 -18.4%
of which change in the provisions for unit and index-linked policies 2,172 -8,247 n.s.
Acquisition and administration costs -4,484 -4,433 1.2%
Acquisition and administration costs related to insurance business -4,484 -4,433 1.2%
Other acquisition and administration costs -1 0 n.s.
Net fee and commission income and net income from financial service activities 16 42 -62.4%
Net operating income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss -6,115 3,813 n.s.
of which net income from financial assets and liabilities related to unit and index-linked policies -5,834 3,849 n.s.
Net operating income from other financial instruments 8,756 9,794 -10.6%
Interest income and other income 9,284 9,372 -0.9%
Net operating realized gains on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) 1,220 1,558 -21.7%
Net operating impairment losses on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) -817 -266 n.s.
Interest expense on liabilities linked to operating activities -174 -184 -5.7%
Other expenses from other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) -757 -685 10.4%
Net other operating expenses (*) 351 278 26.3%
Life segment non-operating result -437 -309 41.5%
Net non-operating income from other financial instruments -272 -113 n.s.
Net non-operating realized gains on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) 7 5 n.s.
Net non-operating impairment losses on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) -279 -118 n.s.
Net other non-operating expenses -165 -196 -15.6%
Life segment earnings before taxes 2,630 2,674 -1.6%

(*) At 31 December 2018 the amount is net of operating taxes for € 52 million and of non-recurring taxes shared with the policyholders in Germany for € -6 million (at 31 December 2017 for € 52 million and € 42 million, respectively).

Life segment indicators by country

(€ million)Gross written premiumNet cash inflowsPVNBP
 31/12/201831/12/201731/12/2018   31/12/201731/12/201831/12/2017
Italy 18,332 17,299 4,769 5,703 18,443 19,116
France 9,558 9,279 1,571 959 9,568 9,306
Germany 9,821 9,399 3,197 2,966 8,048 8,529
Austria, CEE & Russia 2,611 2,565 312 327 2,028 1,994
International 5,729 5,271 1,519 922 5,116 6,484
Spain 861 936 -86 -232 904 993
Switzerland 1,009 1,073 397 457 385 402
Americas and Southern Europe 359 419 162 151 229 364
Asia 2,685 2,155 981 494 2,047 2,001
Europ Assistance 0 0 0 0 - -
Other 815 637 66 52 1,551 2,724
Group Holding and other companies 35 19 1 0 - -
Total 46,084 43,832 11,369 10,877 43,202 45,429

(€ million)Operating resultNBV
Italy 1,284 1,246 978 903
France 585 607 219 211
Germany 424 420 228 243
Austria, CEE & Russia 306 291 143 147
International 497 540 310 317
Spain 131 131 118 98
Switzerland 213 199 17 15
Americas and Southern Europe 24 43 1 8
Asia 127 78 123 140
Other 2 89 51 57
Group holding and other companies (*) -30 -121 0 0
Total 3,067 2,982 1,877 1,820

(*) The data relating to Operating result also include country adjustments.

Life segment direct premiums by line of business and by country

(€ million)Savings and PensionProtectionUnit/index linkedTotal
Italy 14,259 13,181 312 264 3,760 3,854 18,332 17,299
France 4,347 4,291 1,959 1,867 2,841 2,696 9,147 8,854
Germany 2,230 2,219 3,903 3,690 3,687 3,490 9,821 9,399
Austria, CEE & Russia 1,206 1,216 772 704 633 645 2,611 2,565
International 2,373 2,241 1,660 1,397 1,026 1,089 5,059 4,728
Spain 529 656 237 223 95 58 861 936
Switzerland 190 203 131 139 688 730 1,008 1,073
Americas and Southern Europe 81 82 273 332 5 5 359 418
Asia 1,573 1,301 910 608 189 247 2,671 2,155
Europ Assistance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 109 95 50 50 159 146
Group holding and other companies 3 3 9 9 0 0 11 11
Total 24,418 23,151 8,614 7,929 11,948 11,776 44,981 42,855