Other information on the Property & Casualty segment

Property & Casualty segment operating and non-operating result

(€ million)31/12/201831/12/2017Change
Property & Casualty segment operating result 1,992 1,944 2.5%
Net earned premiums 19,597 19,510 0.4%
Net insurance benefits and claims -12,768 -12,716 0.4%
Acquisition and administration costs -5,472 -5,421 0.9%
Acquisition and administration costs related to insurance business -5,468 -5,419 0.9%
Other acquisition and administration costs -5 -3 80.1%
Fee and commission income and income from financial service activities 0 0 n.s.
Net operating income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 84 85 -1.6%
Net operating income from other financial instruments 863 858 -0.6%
Interest income and other income 1,146 1,124 2.0%
Interest expense on liabilities linked to operating activities -64 -64 0.5%
Other expenses from other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) -218 -202 8.1%
Net other operating expenses -313 -372 -15.9%
Property & Casualty segment non-operating result -202 -34 n.s.
Net non-operating income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 7 11 n.s.
Net non-operating income from other financial instruments 0 155 -100.3%
Net realized gains on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) 172 290 -40.9%
Net impairment losses on other financial instruments and land and buildings (investment properties) -172 -135 27.2%
Net other non-operating expenses -209 -200 4.8%
Property & Casualty segment earnings before taxes 1,789 1,910 -6.3%

Property & Casualty segment indicators by country

(€ million)Gross written premiumsOperating result
Italy 5,450 5,537 595 651
France 2,706 2,626 121 155
Germany 3,757 3,708 445 351
Austria, CEE & Russia 3,818 3,626 482 460
International 4,810 4,989 394 287
Spain 1,517 1,490 165 162
Swizerland 687 744 68 70
Americas and Southern Europe 1,067 1,438 80 47
Asia 210 204 -11 -7
Europ Assistance 834 753 95 100
Other 495 360 -3 -85
Group holding and other companies (*) 67 63 -45 40
Total 20,607 20,548 1,992 1,944

(*) The data relating to Operating result also include country adjustments.

Technical indicators by country

(€ million)Combined ratio(*)Loss ratio Expense ratio 
Italy 91.0% 90.0% 65.0% 65.2% 25.9% 24.8%
France 99.9% 98.4% 72.2% 70.8% 27.7% 27.6%
Germany 92.7% 92.6% 65.3% 65.1% 27.4% 27.5%
Austria. CEE & Russia 88.1% 89.1% 58.3% 59.6% 29.8% 29.5%
International 95.6% 97.9% 66.2% 68.0% 29.4% 29.9%
Spain 92.2% 92.7% 65.2% 65.3% 27.0% 27.4%
Swizerland 93.0% 92.4% 65.5% 66.3% 27.6% 26.1%
Americas and Southern Europe 101.6% 103.4% 66.2% 66.6% 35.4% 36.8%
Asia 104.5% 103.8% 70.2% 68.4% 34.2% 35.4%
Europ Assistance 91.4% 89.4% 60.9% 60.8% 30.5% 28.7%
Other 101.2% 115.0% 76.8% 89.2% 24.4% 25.9%
Group holding and other companies 76.5% 52.6% 65.8% 42.1% 10.7% 10.5%
Total 93.0% 92.9% 65.1% 65.1% 27.9% 27.8%

(*) CAT claims impacted on the Group combined ratio for 1.7 pps, of which 1.5 pps in Italy, 2.6 pps in France, 2.7 pps in France and 9.4 pps attributable to Group holding and other companies (at 31 December 2017 CAT claims impacted on the Group combined ratio for 2.1 pps, of which 1.9 pps in Italy, 1.8 pps in France and 1.7 pps in Germany and 6.4 pps in Group holding and other companies).

Property & Casualty direct written premiums by line of business and by country

(€ million)MotorNon-motorTotal
Italy 2,051 2,086 3,281 3,330 5,332 5,416
France 1,009 968 1,634 1,591 2,643 2,559
Germany 1,491 1,489 2,255 2,215 3,746 3,704
Austria, CEE & Russia 1,784 1,678 1,986 1,900 3,770 3,579
International 1,441 1,760 2,806 2,754 4,247 4,515
Spain 456 465 1,016 986 1,472 1,451
Swizerland 271 291 416 451 687 742
Americas and Southern Europe 678 970 388 464 1,066 1,434
Asia 6 13 104 90 111 103
Europ Assistance 29 21 678 610 707 631
Other 1 0 203 153 203 153
Group holding and other companies 4 3 48 41 52 44
Total 7,780 7,984 12,009 11,832 19,790 19,816